The Parker Foundation

Investing in the future of our community


The Parker Foundation’s primary goal is to make effective grants that benefit the residents of the City of Lowell. Grants are made for a variety of purposes, such as social services, cultural programs, community development activities, education, community health needs, and urban environmental projects. The foundation funds specific needs including special programs and projects, capital improvements, equipment purchases, and technical assistance.

For Grant Seekers


Mini Grant

Grant recipient impact

Pawtucket Farm

Wildlife Sanctuary

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Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Mass Audubon, and Mill City Grows, in collaboration with the City of Lowell, have reached an agreement with the Perron family to purchase and protect in perpetuity what is currently called Rollie’s Farm. Over 2023 and 2024 we will purchase the property and begin to transform it into Pawtucket Farm Wildlife Sanctuary.

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20 jan 2022

Pure water and fresh food

Lowell, MA

07 June 2022

Event ideas for charity

Lowell, MA

Suggestion Box

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