The Parker Foundation

Parker Foundation Regular Grants 2023

Health & Human Services

The Bike Connector 

$10,000 in capacity building support to extend open hours at its shop. 

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Lowell

$100,000 in fifth- and final-year support for the Believe & Become capital campaign to upgrade and expand its facility.

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston

$30,000 for Lowell Food Pantry’s operations and client assistance.

Christ Church United in Lowell

$15,000 for the Parish Relief program, which provides emergency financial assistance to Lowell residents.

Community Teamwork, Inc.

$100,000 in capital support to renovate a building for permanent supportive housing for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell

$50,000 in first year support to renovate a new building and refit its current space.

Health Law Advocates

$25,000 to provide free legal assistance through the Mental Health Advocacy Program for Kids (MHAP for Kids). 

International Institute of New England

$50,000 for relocation assistance and permanent housing initiatives, such as providing first/last rent and security deposits, for Lowell residents.

Lowell Humane Society

$20,000 to renovate and create a multi-use room.

Lowell Youth Leadership Program

$15,000 for a four-week summer camp at Greater Lowell Technical High School.

Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership 

$75,000 in second-year support to build the capacity of its affordable homeownership program.

Merrimack Valley Project

$20,000 for the Wheels of Hope program, which transports individuals with substance use disorder to treatment.

Veterans Legal Services

$20,000 to provide free legal aid services to Lowell veterans.

The Wish Project

$25,000 in general operating support to distribute basic needs items to Lowell children and families.

Women’s Money Matters

$20,000 to expand its financial wellness program to more low-income women from Lowell.

YWCA of Lowell f/b/o Lowell Alliance

$20,000 for Empower, a leadership development program, and the Lowell Diaper Bank, which offers free diapers directly to families and to local nonprofits for distribution.

Subtotal Human Services: $595,000

Percentage of total: 47.5%

Community and Economic Development

Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll)

$15,000 to expand inclusive entrepreneurship in Lowell.

Gaining Ground

$25,000 to expand to a new farming parcel, increasing food donations to Lowell.

Greater Lowell Community Foundation 

$83,750 in second-year support of the Newell Flather Legacy Fund, which supports organizations focused on the arts, immigrant and refugee communities, and advancing equity and inclusion.

Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust

$125,000 in first-year capital support to establish the 20-acre Pawtucket Farm Wildlife Sanctuary.

Subtotal Community and Economic Development: $248,750

Percentage of total: 20%


Discovery Museum

$10,000 for Traveling Science Workshops in Lowell schools.

Elevate New England

$50,000 to expand its youth leadership/mentoring program for students in Lowell.


$50,000 in third-year start-up support to launch a Latino education advocacy organization in Lowell.

Project LEARN

$65,000 in fourth-year support to increase the Lowell Public School’s capacity to recruit and retain teachers who reflect the student population’s cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds.

University of Massachusetts Foundation f/b/o University of Massachusetts Lowell

$75,000 in first-year support to pilot an experiential learning program where UMass Lowell students serve as fundraising and technical assistance interns at local nonprofits.

Subtotal Education: $250,000

Percentage of total: 20%

Arts and Culture

2nd Act 

$15,000 to underwrite the development and performance at seven Lowell schools of a new play aimed at substance use prevention.

Angkor Dance Troupe

$25,000 in capacity-building support to sustain and rebuild the organization.

Greater Lowell Community Foundation f/b/o Refuge Lowell

$50,000 to relocate its art studio for teens and refurbish the new space.

Groton Hill Music Center

$14,000 to provide music education to Lowell middle school students in grades 5-8.

Merrimack Repertory Theatre

$50,000 to launch a new program, Theatre for Young Audiences, for families with children in the Greater Merrimack Valley.

Subtotal Arts and Culture: $154,000

Percentage of total: 12%


Philanthropy MA (Membership)


Subtotal Memberships: $6,400

Percentage of total: 0.5%

Total Regular Grants 2023: $1,254,150

Parker Foundation Mini Grants 2023

Adolescent Consultation Services

$7,500 for education and/or employment re-entry assistance for Lowell citizens.

Challenge Unlimited

$7,500 to support equine assistance therapy for Lowell students.

Mission of Deeds

$4,715 to support the basic needs of Lowell families

Place of Promise

$7,000 to support an adolescent school attendance program for Lowell students.

Total Mini Grants 2023: $26,715

Total Grants 2023: $1,280,865

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